Hi, I’m Natasia.

For the last 10 years, I’ve been a tech entrepreneur. My first startup, Sooligan, ultimately failed but set the foundation for my second startup, Wyzerr. Wyzerr grew to serve over 2,400 businesses in 52 countries, including companies like Walmart, Kroger, P&G, Unilever, Google, and Facebook. Today, I serve as the VP of Business Development for WYL(WhoseYourLandlord). By day, I work on growth, sales, and partnership strategies. By night, I’m a Bible study leader, an active member at Restoration Church, and a biblical game designer (check out Jax’s Digital Shop on Etsy here!).  

As an avid Bible reader, I often marvel at the miracles that take place throughout the Bible. I often think about what it would have been like to witness those moments for myself. Then I realized that I live a life full of miracles and impossible events! I started this blog to testify about some of the amazing things God has done in my life, and to document the astounding things He will do in my life in the future. I KNOW there will be many more miracles. I hope my testimonies remind you that God still specializes in the impossible. He is still performing miracles like He did in the Bible today.

Thank You

Being a market researcher then techie, I’ve been surrounded by scientists, atheists, and non-believers for most of my adult life. As a result, I’ve never felt confident enough to share my faith publicly until I began attending Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, OH. Crossroads ministry work includes a business accelerator called Ocean, and the Unpolished conference. It was through these two programs that I witnessed for the first time entrepreneurs boldly speaking about their faith. It inspired me to speak publicly about my own experiences. Thank you to Pastor Brian Tome, the Unpolished Conference, and Crossroads church for giving me a platform to speak about my faith over the years. Those speaking engagements built up my courage to publicly speak about God, and planted the seed for this blog.

To the best pastor in the world

I want to thank my pastor at Restoration Church in Maryland, Pastor Renelle Johnson, for being my shepherd here on earth. He always seems to have the right word, scripture, sermon, or advice right when I need it most. He counsels my family and closest friends, and have never steered us wrong, always pointing us back to the Bible. I am so grateful for him. I love you Pastor Ren and Lady Mel!

This blog is dedicated to my son, Jax. I hope he knows that I lived a life of crazy faith. It is my prayer that he does the same.